
ESLint Module

All-in-one ESLint integration for Nuxt. It generates a project-aware ESLint flat config and provides the ability to optionally run ESLint check along side the dev server.

All-in-one ESLint integration for Nuxt. It generates a project-aware ESLint flat config and provides the ability to optionally run ESLint check along side the dev server.

This module is designed for the new ESLint flat config format which is the default format since ESLint v9. Flat config is supported since ESLint v8.45.0 so you can use any version of ESLint later than that. We recommend you to use the latest version of ESLint to get the best experience.

The legacy .eslintrc config is not supported by this module. We highly recommend you to migrate over the flat config to be future-proof. If you still want to use the legacy format, you might need to manually config with @nuxt/eslint-config, which will missing some features like project-aware settings tho.
Source code on GitHub


Quick Setup

Run the following command to add the @nuxt/eslint module to your project:

npx nuxi module add eslint

Once you start your Nuxt app, a eslint.config.mjs file will be generated under your project root. You can customize it as needed.

Manual Setup

yarn add --dev @nuxt/eslint eslint
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  eslint: {
    // options here

And create an eslint.config.mjs file under your project root, with the following content:

import withNuxt from './.nuxt/eslint.config.mjs'

export default withNuxt(
  // your custom flat configs go here, for example:
  // {
  //   files: ['**/*.ts', '**/*.tsx'],
  //   rules: {
  //     'no-console': 'off' // allow console.log in TypeScript files
  //   }
  // },
  // {
  //   ...
  // }

withNuxt will take the rest arguments of flat configs and append them after Nuxt flat config items. You can either use the Nuxt DevTools panel to inspect the resolved ESLint flat config, or manually run npx @eslint/config-inspector.


VS Code

Note that because ESLint Flat config is not yet enabled by default in the ESLint VS Code extension, you will need to enable it via the eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig setting to get ESLint working. (This will likely not be needed after ESLint v9).

  // Enable ESlint flat config support
  "eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true

NPM Scripts

Add the below to lint commands to your package.json script section:

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "lint:fix": "eslint . --fix",

Run the npm run lint command to check if the code style is correct or run npm run lint:fix to automatically fix issues.


This module does not enable stylistic/formatting rules by default. You can use Prettier alongside directly.

ESLint Stylistic

If you prefer to use ESLint for formatting, we also directly integrate with ESLint Stylistic to make it easy. You can opt-in by setting config.stylistic to true in the eslint module options.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  eslint: {
    config: {
      stylistic: true // <---

You can also pass an object to customize the rules:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  eslint: {
    config: {
      stylistic: {
        indent: 'tab',
        semi: true,
        // ...

Learn more about all the available options in the ESLint Stylistic documentation.

Config Customizations

withNuxt() returns a chainable FlatConfigComposer instance from eslint-flat-config-utils which allows you to manipulate the ESLint flat config with ease.

import withNuxt from './.nuxt/eslint.config.mjs'

export default withNuxt(
  // ...Custom flat configs append after nuxt's configs
    // ...Prepend some flat configs in front
  // Override some rules in a specific config, based on their name
  .override('nuxt/typescript', {
    rules: {
      // ...Override rules, for example:
      '@typescript-eslint/ban-types': 'off'
  // can chain more operations as needed

You can learn more about the options available with the types can JSDocs of the instance.

For all the available configure names, please use the DevTools to inspect.

Config Inspector

This module ships ESLint Config Inspector in your Nuxt DevTools. You can inspect the resolved ESLint flat config there:

ESLint Config Inspector in Nuxt DevTools

Dev Server Checker

Usually you don't need this setting as most IDEs are capable of running ESLint directly to inform you of issues. It's also possible to set up a pre-commit hook with lint-staged to guard your codebase before committing.

That said, if you are working on a team using a variety of IDEs you may still want to run the ESLint checker along side the dev server (which might slow down the dev server) to ensure issues are raised no matter the environment. You can enable it by setting checker to true in the eslint module options.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  eslint: {
    checker: true // <---

You will need to install extra dependencies vite-plugin-eslint2 for Vite, or eslint-webpack-plugin if you are using the Webpack builder for Nuxt 3.

# For Vite
npm i -D vite-plugin-eslint2

# For Webpack
npm i -D eslint-webpack-plugin

This enables a similar experience to using @nuxtjs/eslint-module.

The checker runs in flat config mode by default. If you want to run it in legacy mode, you will need to set configType to eslintrc

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  eslint: {
    checker: {
      configType: 'eslintrc' // <--- (consider migrating to flat config if possible)

Custom Config Presets

By default, this module installs the JS, TS and Vue plugins with their recommended rules. This might already be covered by your config presets, so in that case you can disable the default setup by setting the standalone option to false.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  eslint: {
    config: {
      standalone: false // <---

This ensures the module only generates Nuxt-specific rules so that you can merge it with your own config presets.

For example, with @antfu/eslint-config:

// @ts-check
import antfu from '@antfu/eslint-config'
import withNuxt from './.nuxt/eslint.config.mjs'

export default withNuxt(
    // ...@antfu/eslint-config options
  // ...your other rules


Upon server start, the module will look for an eslint.config.* file and generate one if it doesn't exist for easier usage. You can opt-out this be setting autoInit to false in the eslint.config module options.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  eslint: {
    config: {
      autoInit: false // <--- disable auto-init